My Books

I write because I enjoy writing. It’s been part of my repertoire since I won a primary school story competition. I love entertaining people through my eclectic observations—I aim to make my writing as upbeat as possible, and I imbue it with all the brio and humour I can. I love the challenge of putting together a well-crafted story and draw heavily on my experience and observations or triggers from things I’ve experienced, seen or read.

I’ve lived a pretty full and varied life. It hasn’t all been plain sailing. But a lot of things that haven’t killed me have most certainly made me stronger, helped by a lot of navel-gazing to understand why they nearly killed me in the first place. Writing helps me make sense of it all.

Never Succumb to Beige & Other Tips for a Colourful Life

Not succumbing to beige is about wearing your metaphorical high-viz vest with flair and panache—about being true to who you are and what you bring to the world.

In extended essays drawn from her own colourful life, and traversing the joys of schadenfreude, strategic gift-buying, the value of teeth, and lessons to be learnt from the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Frances Manwaring explores ground rules and tactics for avoiding the beige. Along the way, she shares her wisdom and philosophies, with references and deference to legends like George Eliot, Cleopatra, and Coco Chanel.

This book is available from major book retailers in NZ and can also be ordered directly as below.

“This is one of those books where you tell yourself “just one chapter” and find you’ve read three because the viewpoints expressed are so interesting, and you have to read on to fin where they lead to.”

John Lumsden

Brands with Moxie – Eight Steps to a Winning Brand

A compelling and believable brand puts you and your organisation on a faster track to success—strong brands simply outperform the others.

Whether you’re launching a new brand or your current one isn’t fully firing, brand development specialist Frances Manwaring will walk you through her eight-step process to capture the magic that makes your brand unique, competitive, valuable and enduring.

Content includes examples, case studies, anecdotes, fresh thinking and ideas, and carefully tailored exercises (in a downloadable workbook) to ensure you craft a captivating brand position, story, messaging, and visual identity that will allow you to unleash the full power of your brand.

“One of the most useful professional brand building guides. A quality brand drives competitive advantage and enhances sales, reputation and a fantastic culture. I highly recommend Frances’ process to anyone looking to expand their brand skills and maximise their brand value.”

Paul Linton, CEO, Northland NZ

The Anger of Princes is Death

This poignant novelette examines the last days and hours in the tragic life of Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII’s second queen and the mother of Elizabeth I. Anne was beheaded in the Tower of London on the morning of 19 May, 1536 for treason and other charges that many of her contemporaries and subsequent historians believed were a travesty.

What on earth would have been going through her mind as she endured this last vigil waiting for her date with death? Was she hoping for a last minute reprieve from the man who once loved her with a passion that rocked Europe? But he’s a man waiting eagerly for the cannon fire that will tell him he’s free to marry his new love.

The author recreates the complex weave of circumstances that led to Anne Boleyn’s fall and drawn on contemporary accounts in the creation of this vignette. 

“This is a very moving piece of writing. It reminds us once again of the cruelty and competitiveness of the Henry VII’s court and the high stakes of the game for his courtiers … and queens.”

Fiona Masters