I’m a New Zealand-based creative leader, author, blogger and speaker. Welcome to my world of words, opinions, humour, and random thoughts.
I write and record for people who wear their metaphorical high viz vests with flair and panache… or want to. Whether the panache in question is Ming or bling, no problem.
I’m not aiming to smack people in the face with inconvenient truths. It’s more about commenting on stuff that interests, challenges, or entertains me, which I hope will interest, challenge, or entertain readers in turn.
I believe that girls, even vintage ones like me, still wanna’ have fun, and if I can bring a sense of fun and adventure, I’m happy.

Check out my latest book
Never Succumb to Beige & Other Tips for a Colourful Life
“This is one of those books where you tell yourself “just one chapter” and find you’ve read three because the viewpoints expressed are so interesting, and you have to read on to fin where they lead to.”
John Lumsden
Described as part essays, part memoir and part self-help—think Caitlin Moran meets Bill Bryson—here are a few of the themes I’ve explored in the book.